A space for current and aspiring Black women entrepreneurs.

Welcome home, Baddie!

We celebrate, honor, and develop Black women entrepreneurs!

Baddies with Business brings together Black women entrepreneurs with ventures in years 0-5 to share their stories, build connections, and access social capital to create a network of Black women tapping into their collective power to grow and sustain their ventures.

It’s Ours. This is a space to build community together. It's like chillin' on the porch with a solo cup talking to your girlfriends! 


Our Baddie Community Offers You:

  • SPACE to exclusively connect with other Black Women entrepreneurs with ventures in years 0-5.

  • ACCESS to content experts, resources, and conversations to support the growth of your venture. 

  • FREEDOM to share stories, experiences, ideas, advice, and feedback.

  • CHAT with the Baddie behind BWB, Malliron. :) 

  • Find a little SISTERLY INSPIRATION, thought-provoking conversations, and perspective each and every week.

Be Bad. Be Bold. BE A BADDIE


Meet Your Baddie Host


Malliron is an education nonprofit professional, early-stage entrepreneur, and liberatory design thinking coach, passionate about collaborating with, advocating for, and supporting Black women.